Although I have informed the nursing staff, including Miss Loke, of the perils of hypothermia on the patient, there doesn't seem to be any improvement.
If anything, things have gotten worse. Thermostats that were previously working have now gone on the blink and whatever temperature you may have set makes no difference. The air-conditioner continues at full blast bringing the temperature down to 18 degrees C on hot days and even down to 15 degrees C when it's cold and raining outside.
The staff, including myself, end up bundling themselves with multiple
layers of clothes ... and still feel cold, especially at our unprotected
There is a widespread belief among the nursing staff that hypothermia, reduces
infection rates. Their assumption is that bacteria and viruses proliferate in
a warm environment and hence would lead to an increase in infection rates.
What they fail to realise, is that there is a patient in that formula.
Hypothermia reduces the ability of the patient to fight the infections and
this leads to an overal increase in infection rates
There are many other ill effects suffered by patients under anaesthesia in
cold enviroments, but I leave it to the many articles on this issue enumerated
below to further inform you of the ill effects of hypothermia.
Dr. Jacob Thomas will check up and ensure that the thermostats are
functional in North Tower but he says that nothing can be done about South
Tower as there is only one single air-conditioner for the whole theatre
complex. So when OT4 has a CABG, everyone has to freeeezzze.
Proposer: | Kok Wah |
Date: | 16 January 1999 |
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