Board FAQ

  1. What is a board?
  2. Why does GASLine need one?
  3. How do I join in?
  4. How do I read what others have put up on the board?
  5. How do I submit my comments for others to see? (Link corrected, sorry for earlier error.)
  6. Why does the Main Index page read There have been no updates even though I have added my comments into the message board?
  7. Can I propose topics for discussion?
  8. How do I submit my topics?
  9. Why do the pages take so long to download whenever I try to access the GASBoard web pages?
  10. How can I speed up downloading of the GASBoard web pages?
  11. If the panda is a raccoon, then what the heck is a koala?


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the GASBoard But Were Afraid to Ask

  1. What is a board?

  2. The word is short for bulletin board or message board. That's where anyone can pin up a notice so that everyone else can read it. You can go to the board to read it anytime you like, put up a message anytime you like, come back to look for new messages anytime you like and add more comments ... if you like. Only thing is, this message board is on the Internet and so, theoretically, anyone in the world can join in. In the case of this board, however, you would have to be a member of the GASLine Private Pod first.
  3. Why does GASLine need one?

  4. I hope that by having this facility, we will be able to discuss anything about the hospital that may affect us in any way. The biggest problem of trying to discuss something face-to-face is that it is almost impossible to find a time that will suit everyone so that we can all meet and discuss the matter. By having our own bulletin board, we will be able to discuss even trivial matters without holding a meeting. A consensus can be formed and our views can then be presented to the hospital via the proper channels.
  5. How do I join in?

  6. At GASLine, click on Board, then click on the topic that you are interested in. Read what the proposer of the topic has to say, and then move on to the GASBoard to read what others have written and to add your own comments.
  7. How do I read what others have put up on the board?

  8. First, go to the GASBoard. Next, select the topic that you are interested in by clicking on it.
    Not too difficult, I hope.
  9. How do I submit my comments for others to see?

  10. Click on Add New Message. Enter a Subject heading to give the others an idea of what you want to say, then type in your comments in the large text box marked Board. When you are satisfied with your work of art, click on Submit Conference.
  11. Why does the Main Index page read There have been no updates even though I have added my comments into the message board?

  12. Only changes to the main pages are considered as updates. Comments added to the board are not counted as updates. However, if a new topis is added, this is considered an update and will be brought to your attention in the Main Index page when you first visit the site.
  13. Can I propose topics for discussion?

  14. Sure, I would be most happy if all of you could come up with topics for discussion. That way, this board will be well utilised and I can have a rest from trying to think up the next topic for discussion.
  15. How do I submit my topics?

  16. At the moment the easiest way is to send an e-mail to me, or to pass me the necessary documents by hand. I will then try my best to get it up on the board as soon as possible. As always, whenever possible, give everything to me in electronic form, pleazzzzzzzze
  17. Why do the pages take so long to download whenever I try to access the GASBoard web pages?

  18. Hey, I don't know everything you know. Go ask Tripod.
    Seriously though, I am not sure why their server for the message boards is so slow but please do wait until the new page you requested for has loaded. It is so slow that it seems to have hung but if you just wait a bit longer, I assure you, the message board does work.
  19. How can I speed up downloading of the GASBoard web pages?New

  20. See answer to the last question. I'm no magician.
    Well, I can't actually help you to speed up the downloading of the GASBoard web pages but there is something else you can do,
  21. If the panda is a raccoon, then what the heck is a koala?

  22. Well, it sure ain't a bear. It's a marsupial, just like the kangaroo.
    Will someone pleaes tell me what these questions are doing here?

    Board Index | GASBoard

    Updated:-  22 February 1999