Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.

Consultant Anaesthetist,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.

20 May 2000.


Ms. Loke Choi Ching,

OT Manager,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.


Dear Ms. Loke,

Re: Overrunning of Morning Elective Cases into the Afternoon

and Stocking of Tegaderm IV Dressing

With regard to the first item which I brought up in me letter of 13 April 2000, I have further discussed the issue with Ms. Yim and the other anaesthetists to further clarify the situation.


We have agreed on the following,

1)      Whenever a morning case is expected to extend into the afternoon, a proper afternoon list shall be allocated for that morning case and the morning anaesthetist shall continue to do the whole of that afternoon list.

2)      If another anaesthetist is needed to cover the list vacated by the anaesthetist caught with the long morning case, we have decided that the anaesthetist asked to cover the afternoon list shall be, in order of preference,

a)      Anaesthetist whose afternoon list was used for the morning case that has extended into the afternoon,

b)      Anaesthetist with some other scheduled list but with no cases booked into his list.

c)      Anaesthetist covering emergencies that afternoon, if he has no other cases, and lastly,

d)      Anaesthetist without any list (regular "free session").

3)      On a similar note, if an anaesthetist is scheduled to do the morning session of a whole day list, the same anaesthetist will also cover the afternoon session of the whole day list, e.g. neurosurgical and vascular cases. Again, if another anaesthetist is needed to cover the afternoon session of the anaesthetist asked to do the whole day list, the order of preference will be as specified in item 2), above.


Concerning the Tegaderm IV dressing that we recently tried out, we have found it to be most useful and would appreciate it if you could have it in stock as a regular item in our Operating Theatres, both North and South.



Thank you,




Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.



Original Letter




Homepage:-  https://gasline.tripod.com/
Posted:-  08 June 2000
08 June 2000