Quick, Give Me That Relaxant


Grabbing the NimbexYou came late for the case and the surgeon is strutting up and down the corridors like an expectant father. Rushing into OT, you grab the Nimbex and draw it into the syringe ready to shoot it into the patient whom the nurses are pushing into OT just then.

As you are about to inject the Nimbex, something makes you take a second look at the ampoule of Nimbex. Horror, shock, disbelieve! It's not Nimbex but Tracrium instead. You mutter under your breath that the OT Technicians shouldn't have left the ampoule of Tracrium in the box of Nimbex but deep down, you know that the person to blame if something untoward had happened to the patient was you, yourself and nobody else.


The CulpritTaking a close look at the two ampoules of Tracrium and Nimbex, the cause was obvious, the two ampoules coming from the same company were manufactured with exactly the same size and shape and had a similar pattern of stripes on its sides. Only a good look at the front of the labels will reveal their real identities.


Vigilance is the best defence. We must be ever watchful for the traps that have been set up to ensnare us.

Thankfully, the two drugs are very similar in many respects and even their doses when expressed as volume/unit mass body weight are similar.

  Tracrium Nimbex
Dose in mg/kg
Concentration in mg/ml
Dose in ml/kg

So the chance of a major disaster is less except for those who are susceptible to the effects of histamine release which may occur with Tracrium but not with Nimbex. Nimbex is also more cardiovascularly stable than Tracrium

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Homepage:-  https://gasline.tripod.com/
Posted:-  02 June 1999
Contributor:- NKW