Pharmacy & Therapeutics Subcommittee Meeting (17 April
Just to keep
you guys informed.
At the above
meeting, the following (of concern to us) were discussed.
Verbal orders
were often not countersigned the next day. We were quoted as being the main
culprits. I have suggested that they put a sticker on the GA sheet to remind
us to sign the prescription order. This they have agreed to. So please do
sign the prescriptions.
(Precedex) will now be available on a case by case basis which means that
they will keep only a small stock.
Ketamine 10
mg/ml will be stopped due to low usage. However, ketamine 50 mg/ml will
remain available. This will be charged per ml used or part thereof. If you
have strong objections to this, please voice them immediately.
(Nexium), a proton pump inhibitor, is now available. This is cheaper that
omeprazole (Losec), calculated on a single course of treatment basis, with
faster response and fewer side effects. Oral Losec is expected to be phased
pantoprazole (Controloc) now available. Previously, only injectable
omeprazole (Losec) available.