MAB Meeting
(7 July 1999)




At the first meeting of the new MAB, it was decided that the new Office Bearers will be as follows,
Post Holder
Chairman Dato' Dr. Anuar Masduki
Vice-Chairman Dr. Arlene Ngan
Secretary Dr. Ngun Kok Wah
Dr. Alan Wong Ket Hiung was proposed for the above post to cover the period when Dr. Radha would be on leave (21 to 31 August 1999). After the MAB had gone through his CV, it was decided that he would be called for interview at the next MAB. However, it is to be very clearly explained to him that this was in no way to be taken as an indication that he would in any way have priority or be preferred in any subsequent anaesthetic posts that may be available in the future. As the main reason for the establishment of the above fund, that is, the proposed contract, has now been dropped, it was felt that there was no longer a need for this fund. Therefore, the MAB proposed that the matter be reviewed at the next QMS. Dr. Tan Teck Sin has agreed to be the Chairman of the OT Subcommittee. If any of you would like to volunteer to represent the anaesthetists in this subcommittee, please indicate your desire either to Dr. Tan T.S. or myself.

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Updated:-  08 July 1999