MAB Meeting Held on 17 March 1999
Although this had been "settled" at the last meeting, no action had
been taken and patients are still coming to OT without this essential
investigation. Dr. Jacob Thomas has suggested that this be brought up at the
next Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting.
Again, in spite of the promise that this will be looked into, no action has been
taken. Doreen has been assigned to look into this and she will be liasing with
Salim to work something out.
- Consent for Emergency LSCS
The DNA (not of the nucleic acid variety) has complained that she is unsure of
what to do in the situation where an urgent Caesarean section is being
booked by an obstetrician who has not seen the patient. There is, therefore, no
valid consent form.
According to the SJMC Theatre Handbook,
- SJMC Operating Theatre Facilities - Emergency Cases : In all
instances, booking can only commence after the new admission has been
examined by the attending doctors, and
- E GENERAL RULES - Consent - E1 : ... no patient may
enter the OT without the signed consent.
However, if she followed these rules, the obstetrician would very likely fly
into a rage and start scolding her.
It was generally agreed that this was a situation which had not been foreseen
when the handbook had been prepared. It was obvious that the rules had to be
amended to account for these exceptional cases. Dr. Husain will be looking
further into this.
News Index
Updated:- 19 March 1999