Dr. Tan P. H. in the News
(03 April 1999)

Bobby attending to Afiq, the liver transplant recipient, in ICU

Celebrity Dr. Bobby Tan Poh Hwa makes the adjustments on the ventilator for baby Afiq after the liver transplant operation done on 03 April 1999. Being the suave debonair young chap that he is, reporters mistake him for the liver surgeon, Dr. K. C. Tan (see caption).

Inset shows Hafizam, the donor. Hafizam is totally unrelated to the recipient and wasn't even a friend before the transplant. Nonetheless, he decided that he had to help and as he had no money, he offered his liver. For his sacrifice, the University Hospital, where he had been previously working as a temporary staff, has now offered him a permanent post in his department.

Keep up the good work, Bobby and our kudos to Hafizam!

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Updated:-  26 April 1999