Epidural Rates in Labour in SJMC
(Feb. 1986 to Jan. 1999)

Ever wondered what percentage of labouring women in SJMC have an epidural to relieve their labour pains?

Well wonder no more. Cause after much hard work (no kidding), I've got the answer for you.

As you can see, there is a general increase in the epidural rates, but since 1993, the rate seems to have plateaued out at about 15.5 %.

Note the following:-

  1. The total deliveries includes both vaginal and operative deliveries.

  2. The epidurals only includes those performed for pain relief during labour. It does not include those performed purely for Caesarean sections.

  3. Therefore, the more appropriate rate to look at would be the epidural rate as a percentage of the deliveries excluding the number of elective Caesarean sections.

  4. Remember that some of those going for emergency Caesarean sections would have had an epidural performed prior to going for their operations.

  5. As I pointed out, the data is incomplete in some areas and, very occasionally, the data may even be in error because the handwriting was that bad.



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Posted:-  15 June 2000
15 June 2000