New Draft Contract

The third draft of the new contract (2nd revision) has recently been sent out to the members of the Adhoc Committee for the New Contract.

Much progress has been made since work was strated on the contract over a year ago in late 1997.

Initially, it was over 4 months (10 June 1998 to 21 October 1998) before the administration returned to us with the second draft of the contract. There were many deficiencies in this 2nd draft and the first reaction of the Committee was one of disbelief and dismay at the lack of sensitivity and understanding from the administration as many of the issues which the Committee had discussed were never addressed.

However, there was a definite breakthrough when the Adhoc Committee held a meeting with Tuan Syed Tamin, the Sime Darby Regional Director for Malaysia Region on 4 November 1998. Two lawyers from Sime Darby, Puan Saleha Mohd. Ramly, legal adviser from Sime Darby Bhd., and Mr. David Loh Kean Beng, legal counsel from Zain & Co. were also present. Many of the outstanding isues were amicably and sensibly settled with both sides able to meet on common ground.

There will probably be another meeting soon to clear up the final doubts and finer points on this third draft of the contract. The Committee will also probably refer the draft contract to our own lawyers to make sure that our interests are protected before the Committee endorses the contract. After that, there will probably be a Quarterly Medical Staff Meeting to present the third draft contract to the Medical Staff and to seek approval for acceptance of the draft contract. As you can see, it will still be some time before the new contract actually comes into force.

In the interim, if your contract has expired or will be expiring soon, the administration has assured us that everyone affected will have their contracts automatically extended until the new contract is ready. All those affected should be receiving letters to this effect. If your contract has expired but you have yet to receive such a letter, please inform Dr. Datuk Loh Thiam Ghee, or any of the MAB members, and we will look into it.

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Updated:-  06 January 1999