Anaesthetic Meeting 24 April 2001

Time and Date:                       12:45 h to 12:55 h

Venue:                                     Anaesthetic Room, North Tower OT.

Present:                                   Dr. Bachan Singh

                                                Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.

Absent with Apologies:           Dr. Tan Poh Hwa

                        Dr. Anne Wong






The following were decided upon after a brief discussion among those present.

1.     Anaesthetic Representative to Ad Hoc CDM Review Committee

Dr. Ngun Kok Wah was chosen to represent the anaesthetists in the above committee.

2.      Nominee for 2001 MAB Elections

Datuk Dr. Radha Krishna was proposed and accepted to be our nominee for the upcoming MAB Elections. Dr. Ngun had earlier spoken to him and he had verbally agreed to accept the nomination if selected. As such, Dr. Ngun will include Datuk Dr. Radha in the slate of nominees to the 2001 MAB Elections to be proposed by the Nominations Committee.

3.      Anaesthetic Representative in the 2001/2003 OT Subcommittee

Dr. Dalina was chosen to be our nominee for the above post. If she accepts the nomination, she will be proposed to the chairman of the new subcommittee at the appropriate time.

4.      Proposal by OT Subcommittee for the Anaesthetists to Decide on the Need to Activate the 2nd Emergency OT Team and to Decide on the Priority of Emergency Cases

4.1.   Discussion

Dr. Bachan Singh felt that this was basically an administrative problem and that should the anaesthetists accept the responsibility, even if backed up by the hospital administration, there would be unacceptable medico-legal implications to the anaesthetists. He reiterated our previous suggestion that either the OT Subcommittee Chairman or a senior medical staff from the administration be asked to make the decision. (Refer to survey of 12 July 2000.)

At informal discussions prior to the meeting, Dr. Anne Wong, Dr. Tan Poh Hwa, Dr. Charlie Chan and Dr. Robert Liew had expressed similar views. Dr. Charlie Chan had also suggested that the problem should be settled among the surgeons concerned as they would know their patients better than the anaesthetists and would, therefore, be in a better position to make the best decision. It would be difficult for the anaesthetist to make a medically appropriate decision without first eliciting proper histories, performing full physical examinations and reviewing all relevant investigation results of the patients concerned.

4.2.   Decision

It was, hence, decided that,

4.2.1.      The anaesthetists do not agree to take on the responsibilities of deciding on either the need for the activation of the 2nd team nor on the priority of emergency surgeries,

4.2.2.      The anaesthetists would like to suggest the following options to the OT Subcommittee, OT Subcommittee Chairman to make the decisions, senior member of the hospital administration to make the decisions, or surgeons concerned to discuss and decide among themselves.

Dr. Ngun will convey the decision of the anaesthetists to Datuk Dr. Radha who will relay it to the OT Subcommittee.




P. S. Dr. Ngun spoke to Dr. Dalina on 25 April 2001 and she has gracefully accepted the nomination for the OT Subcommittee.















Posted:-  26 April 2001