Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.

Consultant Anaesthetist,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.

9 October 2000.


Ms. Loke,

OT Manager,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.


Dear Ms. Loke,


Re: Booking of Cases Into the Two Thursday Morning Open Lists


To reconfirm what I had told you and Ms. Yim on 6 October 2000, below is the proposed system of booking into the above-mentioned lists to help distribute the work fairly to the four anaesthetists involved in the two lists.


  1. The lists should be labelled Open I and Open II.
  2. In the first and second weeks, cases should be booked into Open I first.
  3. In the third and fourth weeks, cases should be booked into Open II first.
  4. The cycle is repeated once every four weeks.


I hope this clarifies any doubts you may have had about the system. Please feel free to contact me if you should have any other queries.



Yours faithfully,




Dr. Ngun Kok Wah.



































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Posted:-  26 April 2001