Anaesthetic Meeting

(28 July 2000)


Venue:             Anaesthetic Room, North Tower OT, SJMC.

Time                12:40 h to 12:55 h

Date                28 July 2000

Present            Dr. Dalina Majid

                        Dr. Ngun Kok Wah

                        Dato' Dr. Radha Krishna

                        Dr. Tan Poh Hwa

                        Dr. Anne Wong


Dato' Dr. Radha said that the two problems were that,

1.      Dr. Robert Liew would probably be on medical leave for at least 2 months, and

2.      Both Dr. Bachan Singh and Dr. Tan Poh Hwa were reducing their level of activity.


Dr. Anne Wong said that Dr. Bachan Singh would be dropping his Friday sessions at the beginning of September, maintaining his Monday, Tuesday and Saturday sessions. While he eventually intended to only keep his Saturday lists Dr. Bachan was, however, willing to continue to do some of the calls.


To cover the expected shortfall, Dr. Alan Wong would probably have to become more active by taking up some sessions while plans were afoot to bring in Dato' Dr. Hassan from IJN as a courtesy staff.


Dr. Alan Wong had informed Dr. Anne Wong that he needed to give 6-month notice to IMU whenever he needed to make a change in his schedule. It was therefore essential that those who wanted to reduce their commitments here at SJMC must give ample and adequate notice of their intentions.


While Dr. Alan Wong was willing to do the occasional weekday calls, it would have to be with the understanding that the next day, the person covering the morning emergency would have to take over from him at 06:00 h. Datuk Dr. Radha and Dr. Ngun suggested that Dr. Alan Wong do the Tuesday call so that he could continue the call on the Wednesday when he was already scheduled to work here. If he could not start the call on time, it was felt that it would be easier for the person doing the afternoon emergency session on Tuesday to cover until he came rather than waking up at 06:00 h in the morning.


Dr. Tan then revealed that he wanted no more than 6 sessions ultimately. He also said that his plans were flexible and he could easily give up the lists whenever the situation allowed it, pending Dr. Robert Liew's condition and Dr. Alan Wong's giving adequate notice to IMU. Datuk. Dr. Radha reminded him that he would have to continue with his calls prorated to the number of sessions done during office hours. Further, with Dr. Liew out of action, he would have to cover his own calls for now.


Dr. Anne Wong also said she may reduce from her current 7.5 sessions to 7 sessions.


Presently, she planned to give her Wednesday morning and Dr. Bachan's Wednesday afternoon emergency sessions to Dr. Alan Wong.


Dr. Dalina confirmed that she would be happy to increase to 7 sessions but not more than that for now as her children were still young.


Dr. Anne Wong said that we should impress upon Dr. Mary to help out while Dr. Liew was still on medical leave by covering Dr. Rozali's list if he should open it.


Although Dr. Alan Wong had initially offered to do the Saturday calls, he had to retract his offer because of the coming examinations at the IMU. However, both he and Dr. Bachan have each agreed to do 2 Sunday calls per month


The meeting was closed at 12:55 h.



P.S.: Dr. Bachan Singh arrived just after the meeting and Dr. Ngun asked him to think about his future plans here and in Sunway Medical Centre and to inform us as soon as possible when he had decided on his plans so that we could make the necessary arrangements with Dr. Alan Wong and Dato' Dr. Hassan.











Posted:-  26 April 2001