Standing-by for Procedure with Dr. Fong Chee Kin
At 16:26 h on 31 July 2001, I had a discussion with Dr. Fong Chee Kin and the
following was agreed upon.
- If an anaesthetist is asked to standby for a procedure (Caesar, vacuum
delivery, etc.) when Dr. Fong is the surgeon, the anaesthetist will receive
the usual 35 % of the surgeon's fees regardless of whether any anaesthetic
is actually administered.
- As such, the anaesthetist is expected to stay with the patient throughout
the procedure until its conclusion.
- If the patient has had an epidural inserted for the provision of pain
relief in labour, the anaesthetist who has inserted the epidural will
receive the epidural fees separately. Currently, if the procedure concerned
was for the delivery of the baby, then he should charge 748
The anaesthetists concerned should ensure that they receive their fees (for
standing-by and for doing the epidural) by checking their Daily Revenue Lists.
It would also help, if the second anaesthetist informed the anaesthetist who
performed the epidural to put in a charge for 748 C.
Posted:- 12 Aug 2001
Updated:- 12 Aug 2001