Results of Survey on Guidelines for
When a Request Case is Cancelled, Etc.

The guidelines below only apply when an anaesthetist has accepted a request for him to do a case, resulting in swapping of lists or cases, but the “request case” is subsequently cancelled, postponed or ends earlier than expected.

Please note that the proper course of action should be the same regardless as to,


There were 7 replies and the votes were as follows.

Question Swap Back to
Original Lists
with New Arrangement
1. In general, should the anaesthetists swap back their cases/lists to their “normal” lists or should they continue with the cases as fixed after the swap? 0 7
2. If the request was initiated by the patient and the case is a non-paying one, should the cases/lists be swapped back? 2 5
3. If the “request case” is cancelled or postponed before the OT list is printed, should the cases/lists be swapped back? 6 1


So the general rule is that the new arrangement (with the swapped cases/lists) shall prevail once the OT list has been printed. Only if the "request case" is cancelled or postponed before the list is printed should the cases/lists revert to the "normal" lists.

P.S. (15 May 2005):- As always, members are free to make any private mutually agreeable arrangements among themselves if they feel that the guidelines above are not totally appropriate in any particular situation.


Guideline Index

Posted:-  02 May 2005
Updated:-  15 May 2005