Dr. Ngun Kok Wah,

Consultant Anaesthetist,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.

21 April 2000.


Dato' Dr. Charles V. David,


OT Subcommittee,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.


Dear Sir,


Re: Fasting Handout/Guidelines for Elective Procedures


I believe that Dato' Dr. Radha Krishna wrote to you in a letter dated 26 January 2000, almost three months ago, concerning the above matter. Has the matter been brought up to the Subcommitte for approval yet?


It would be much appreciated if you could get approval for implementation of the guidelines as soon as possible as there are many instances of patients coming to OT inadequately fasted and therefore unnecessarily exposing themselves to the dangers of a potentially full stomach.


In case you may have difficulty in finding the original copy of the Fasting Guidellines, I have included a second copy for your perusal.


Thank you,





Dr. Ngun Kok Wah,

Consultant Anaesthetist,

Subang Jaya Medical Centre.



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Updated:-  07 June 2000