Instructions to Nurses and Office Assistants on

Use of Preoperative Fasting Handouts


When any patient is scheduled for an elective procedure, the approriate Preoperative Fasting Handout should be given to the patient or responsible adult looking after the patient with the proper explanation.


1.      First of all, ensure that the patient is not very obese, suffering from diabetes, hiatus hernia, reflux oesophagitis, bowel diseases, or airway problems or is having an emergency procedure. If the patient is having any of these conditions, please ask the operator/surgeon or the anaesthetist concerned for further advice as the guidelines may not be appropriate for the patient.

2.      Enter the time of the operation in the appropriate box and fill up the various times for the different categories of food and drinks. You may use the table on the reverse side of this sheet to help you. Fill in the time for breast milk only if the patient is still breast feeding.

3.      For adults, in section 1, cancel the section that does not apply.

4.      Lastly, make sure that the patient understands the different terms used, such as clear fluids, breast milk, or infant formula/non-human milk.


If you have any problems, please refer either to the operator/surgeon or the anaesthetist concerned.




























Updated:-  27 April 2001