Fasting Before Your Operation/Procedure
Patients 12 Years Old And Above)
You are scheduled to undergo a procedure at about
___:___ a.m./p.m. on ___/___/______ requiring anesthesia.
- If your procedure is
scheduled for before 1.30 p.m., do not take any solid foods from the
midnight before your procedure.
If your procedure is scheduled for 1.30 p.m. or later, you should have a
light breakfast e.g. a maximum of 2 slices of bread (without butter or
margarine) or 4 pieces of biscuits with clear fluids before 7:30 a.m.
delete the section that does not apply.)
- You may have clear fluids
up to 2 hours before the scheduled time of your procedure, that is, until
___:___ a.m./p.m.
N. B. Clear fluids include water,
glucose water, Ribena, fruit juices without pulp like apple juice, carbonated
beverages, clear tea (without milk), and black coffee (without milk). These
liquids should not include alcohol, milk, Milo, or soups.
Updated:- 27 April 2001